Sunday, March 10, 2013

What Is Autism

What Is Autism
Autism is a neurological disorder characterized by problems with social interactions, communication and repetative movements.

An autistic brain is different. The various areas of the brain aren't wired the same way they are in neurotypical people. The different areas don't talk to each other the way they should. Or at least they don't talk to each other in a way that is considered 'normal'.

One famous autistic, Temple Grandin, says autistic brains are similar to prey animals; they are always on the alert for danger and scare easily.

People on the autistic spectrum get overwhelmed easily. Sounds, smells, textures and tastes can be overwhelming. Something that seems like no big deal to a regular person, such as a gentle pat on the back, may be extremely painful to an autistic person.

Is There An Austism Epidemic
As of 2008, CDC estimated 1 out of 1000 children had an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Today we count 1 out of 88 children with an ASD. This had led many question whether there is an autism epidemic.

One cause for the rise in number of diagnoses is due to broadening the defintion of autism. It now includes a spectrum of disorders ranging from severe (Rain Man) to mild (Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory). Most people will realize the Rain Man has a distinct problem with his brain, whereas the Sheldon character they may only view as a quirky, socially inept individual with strange OCD habits. It has not yet been confirmed by the writers, but many of us see ourselves reflected in Sheldon Cooper.

Self Stimulation
When their senses start going into overdrive, many autists use stimming, or self stimulation, to soothe themselves. They may shake their hands, hit their heads, rock band and forth or spin around.

They do this because they are experiencing sensory overload. Sensory overload hurts. It physically hurts. This is the reason so many autists retreat deep inside themselves or seem to be loners; they are trying to block out as much stimuli as possible just to get through the day.

Autism comes from greek word autós, meaning self.

Autism is a neurological disorder; it is not, as originally classified, a psychological one.

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